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发布日期:2018-08-22 作者: 来源:3044澳门永利 点击:




讲座题目2:What it means to be human - exploring W. B. Yeats's poetic philosophy

讲座人:陈科芳,Sabine Lenore Müller





1. 陈科芳:浙江3044澳门永利翻译教育研究所所长、英文学院教授;英国伦敦大学博士后;任世界翻译教育联盟(WITTA)常务副秘书长、全国翻译院系负责人联席会议常务理事等学术职务。主要研究领域为翻译教育研究、修辞翻译研究、英语教育研究。先后发表论文30余篇,出版专著、译著和国家级教材等多部。主持或作为主要成员参与国家哲学社会科学规划课题、全国教育科学规划外语专项课题、教育部课题、省哲学社会科学规划课题、省新世纪教改项目、省精品课程等30余项。

2. Sabine Lenore Müller: She is an Associate Professor at the English Department of Zhejiang International Studies University in Hangzhou, China. Between 2009 and 2013 she held a Lady Gregory Research fellowship at the National University of Ireland Galway, where she completed her PhD dissertation on the environmental philosophy of W. B. Yeats and R. M. Rilke. In 2014 she worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the English Department at the University of Macau. She also worked as a lecturer in British Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and has been teaching graduate and undergraduate seminars and lectures in Irish studies, English Literature, cultural studies, media- and film studies in Ireland, Germany, China and the US. Her monograph Conveiving Unity of Being- the environmental philosophy of R. M. Rilke and W. B.Yeats is in preparation for publication. Besides edited collections and journal articles, she has also published several translated works, such as Beautiful Zhejiang, The Thousand-Islet Lake: the Harbour of My Heart and so on. Her current work focuses on literary- and media studies, philosophy with a strong focus on the environmental humanities.